Effective, January 24, 2022, the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Georgia will offer debtors the opportunity to request delivery of court notices and orders via email, instead of U.S. mail, through a program called “Debtor Electronic Bankruptcy Noticing” or “DeBN.”
DeBN is a free and voluntary service. Debtors requesting participation in the DeBN program must complete and file a Debtor’s Electronic Noticing Request (DeBN) form in their current GANB case and any subsequent case filed. Debtors in joint cases who each request enrollment must file separate forms.
Debtors may file the form in person at the Bankruptcy Court Clerk’s office (photo ID required) or mail the form to the court with a copy of their driver’s license or other Government issued ID.
Attorneys who are CM/ECF Participants may file the request form electronically on behalf of the debtor(s) using the event under Bankruptcy > Other > Debtor Electronic Noticing. See Docketing Procedures for Attorneys for detailed instructions.
For more information, please see the DeBN Brochure and DeBN page on our website.
M. Regina Thomas
Clerk of Court