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Dial-In and Virtual Bankruptcy Hearing Information

Below you will find links to access the virtual hearing room and webpage for each Judge, as well as telephone dial in information to participate in Court hearings.

  • If not attending a hearing in person, be prepared to appear at the hearing virtually as indicated below, via video. Unrepresented persons who do not have video capability may use the telephone dial -in information below.
  • To appear virtually, click the appropriate link below to join the judges’ virtual hearing room.
    • Join at least 10 minutes before the hearing time.
    • Leave your camera in the off position until the Court instructs otherwise.
    • Place all calls on mute unless addressing the court.
    • Pursuant to BLR 5073-1, you are prohibited from recording or broadcasting the proceedings conducted by the United States Bankruptcy Court.
  • To appear telephonically,
    • Dial the appropriate toll-free number shown on the list below.
    • Enter the access code associated with the toll-free number.
    • Dial in at least 10 minutes before the hearing time.
    • Place all phones on mute. Under no circumstances should you place this call on hold.
    • Pursuant to BLR 5073-1, you are prohibited from recording or broadcasting  the proceedings conducted by the United States Bankruptcy Court.
    • Each time you speak, identify yourself for the record.
  • Please refer to "Hearing Information" tab on each judge’s webpage for further hearing information.
  • To access Zoom information for the 341 Meeting of Creditors, view the Meeting of Creditors Zoom Information page.


Judge Webpage Virtual Hearing Room Toll Free Number Meeting ID
Chief Judge Ellis-Monro
833-568-8864 160 862 0914

Judge Bonapfel


161 794 3084

Judge Sacca


161 418 0533

Judge Baisier


161 706 9079

Judge Ritchey Craig


161 346 1602

Judge Cavender


160 459 5648

Judge Sigler


161 179 4270