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Notice of Bankruptcy
Approximately 3-10 days after you file your petition for bankruptcy, you will receive a Notice of Bankruptcy Case at the address you provide to the Court. This is the same notice that your creditors will receive informing them that you have filed bankruptcy. This notice lists important deadlines and information about your case including the trustee assigned to your case and meeting of creditors information. Please bring a copy of the notice with you to the meeting of creditors.
• Debtor Electronic Bankruptcy Noticing (DeBN) is a free service that allows individual debtors the opportunity to request delivery of court notices and orders via email, instead of U.S. mail.
341 Meeting of Creditors
The meeting of creditors is the meeting required by section 341 of the Bankruptcy Code at which the debtor is questioned under oath by creditors, a trustee, examiner, or the U.S. trustee about his/her financial affairs. This meeting is also referred to as the creditors' meeting.
Individuals who file bankruptcy must bring two forms of original documentation to their meeting of creditors: 1.) photo identification (driver's license, government ID, state photo ID, student ID, U.S. passport, military ID, or resident alien card) and 2.) confirmation of their social security number.
Meetings of Creditors Locations
Tax Returns
Individuals who file bankruptcy must provide their trustee (whose name appears on the Notice of Bankruptcy) with a copy of their most recently filed income tax return. This should be provided at least 7 days before the meeting of creditors. DO NOT FILE YOUR TAX RETURN WITH THE COURT.
Chapter 13 Plan Payments
Monthly Chapter 13 plan payments should be paid to the Chapter 13 Trustee, not the Court or Clerk's Office. If the debtor cannot make a Chapter 13 payment on time according to the terms of the confirmed plan, the debtor should contact their attorney or the appropriate Chapter 13 Trustee. For trustee information, click HERE