The Clerk's Annual Meeting with the Bar will be held on Friday, November 3, 2017 @ 10:30AM in the Strom Auditorium Richard Russell Federal Building and United States Courthouse. In addition to training on the new chapter 13 plan form, information will be provided on CM/ECF updates, local rules and other new services.
Please see the attached documents:
A. The latest version of the NDGA's Chapter 13 Plan Form (dated 10.4.17)
B. The latest version of the training PowerPoint (dated 10.12.17)
These documents supersede the plan and PowerPoint that were distributed at the September 27, 2017 training that took place at Nelson Mullins. Please note the changes to the plan form that was distributed during that training session:
• §2.6 (b)(2)
• §2.6 (b)(4)
• §3.2 - changes to the grid
• §3.4 - removal of provision that provides for lien avoidances in a nonstandard provision
• §4.4 - addition of statement regarding post-petition domestic support obligations
Two general orders will be entered by the Court in the near future, at which time the plan form will be final and official effective 12.1.17.
M. Regina Thomas
Clerk of Court