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General Orders

  • Amended and Restated General Order 44-2021       |   04/30/2024

    This order supersedes General Order 44-2021 and sets forth the procedures for requesting, filing, and management of highly sensitive documents (HSDs).

  • Amended and Restated General Order No. 47-2022       |   03/01/2024

    Assignment of Multiple Case Filings.  This order, effective March 1, 2024, supersedes General Order 47-2022 and changes the two-year look back period of assignment of multiple cases to three years.

  • Third Amended and Restated General Order No. 24-2018       |   05/02/2023

    Voluntary Notice Procedures in Chapters 7, 11, 12, and 13. This Order establishes procedures for counsel to notice hearings and provide an opportunity to object and is entered for the sole purpose of replacing Exhibit A, Form of Notice, with a new form for use effective immediately.

  • Amended and Restated General Order 45-2021       |   05/02/2023

    Procedures for Submitting Pleadings by Individual Debtors Not Represented by an Attorney (“Pro Se Debtors”). This Order supersedes General Order 45-2021, is effective May 2, 2023, and applies only to Pro Se Debtors.

  • Second Amended and Restated General Order No. 26-2019       |   02/06/2023

    This Order establishes procedures for use throughout the District in Chapter 11 cases that are designated by the Court as "Complex Chapter 11 Cases." The procedures set forth in this Order shall apply to all Complex Chapter 11 Cases filed in this District after the entry of this Order.

  • Amended and Restated General Order 37-2020       |   02/06/2023

    Signature Requirements for Amended Chapter 13 Plans and Post Confirmation Plan Modifications - This order provides that the signature of a debtor represented by an attorney is not required on any amendment to a Chapter 13 plan or post confirmation modification, provided that debtor’s counsel has signed the document.

  • General Order No. 48-2022       |   08/08/2022

    Adoption of Amended Bankruptcy Rule 1020 to reflect the Bankruptcy Threshold and Technical Corrections Act (BTATCA) Implementation

  • General Order No. 46-2021       |   07/12/2021

    The Court designates Barbara Ellis-Monro to serve a three-year term on the Panel in Complex Chapter 11 Cases in the Atlanta Division beginning February 1, 2022.

  • Amended and Restated General Order No. 42-2020       |   01/06/2021

    Amended and Restated Order with Regard to Fees, Expenses and Costs of Attorneys for Debtors in Chapter 13 Cases effective December 1, 2020. In cases to which this Order applies, this Order supersedes General Order No. 18-2015 and General Order 22-2017.

  • Amended and Restated General Order No. 30-2020       |   12/10/2020

    This Order  provides for the application of Interim Bankruptcy Rules in cases filed under Subchapter V of Title 11 of the United States Code and for the modification of Official Forms 309E2 and 309F2 to add a new paragraph 10 which sets a deadline for a secured party to make an election under 11 U.S.C. §1111(b).
