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Register of Mailing Addresses of Governmental Units Pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 5003(e)

Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 5003(e) provides for the Clerk of the United States Bankruptcy Court to maintain a register of mailing addresses designated by federal and state governmental units as their official mailing addresses for service of notices.

To designate an address for this Register of Mailing Addresses for Notices and/or §505(b) Notices, a letter on agency letterhead should be mailed to:

Clerk of Court
U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Room 1340
75 Ted Turner Drive, SW
Atlanta, GA 30303


United States Trustee
Region 21
362 Richard B. Russell Bldg.
75 Ted Turner Drive, SW
Atlanta, GA 30303

United States Attorney
600 Richard B. Russell Bldg.
75 Ted Turner Drive, SW
Atlanta GA 30303

Internal Revenue Service
PO Box 7346
Philadelphia, PA 19101-7346

U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission
Office of Reorganization
950 East Paces Ferry Road NE, Suite 900
Atlanta, GA 30326-1382
Social Security Administration
Office of the General Counsel, Region IV
61 Forsyth Street, SW, Suite 20T45
Atlanta, GA 30303
(correspondence only)
U.S. Small Business Administration
233 Peachtree Street, NE
Suite 300
Atlanta, GA 30303


Georgia Department of Revenue
Suite 9100
1800 Century Boulevard, NE
Atlanta, GA 30345

Georgia Department of Labor
Suite 826
148 Andrew Young International Blvd NE
Atlanta GA 30303-1751

Addresses designated for service of requests under §505(b) of the Bankruptcy Code:

Michigan Department of Treasury,
Tax Policy Division
ATTN: Litigation Liaison
2nd Floor, Austin Building
430 West Allegan Street
Lansing, Michigan 48922
Oklahoma Tax Commission
Office of the General Counsel,
Bankruptcy Section
120 N. Robinson, Suite 2000W
Oklahoma City, OK 73102
State of California Franchise Tax Board
Bankruptcy Section, MS: A-340
PO Box 2952
Sacramento, CA 95812-2952

(Use for Bankruptcy Related Matters)

State of California Franchise Tax Board
Chief Counsel
c/o General Counsel Section, MS: A-260
PO Box 1720
Rancho Cordova, CA 95741-1720

(Use for Adversary Proceedings)

Massachusetts Department of Revenue
Collections Bureau/Bankruptcy Unit
PO Box 7090
Boston, MA 02204-7090

Office of the Comptroller of Maryland
Bankruptcy Unit
7 St. Paul Street, Suite 230
Baltimore, MD 21202