The following release from the Administrative Office of the United States Courts announces the decision of the Judicial Conference of the United States to amend the Electronic Public Access Fee Schedule, effective April 1, 2013. Additional information is available at
PACER Fee Schedule Revision To Take Effect April 1
Pursuant to sections 1913, 1914, 1926, 1930, and 1932 of Title 28, United States Code, the Judicial Conference, at its March 12, 2013 session, amended the Electronic Public Access Fee Schedule for the appellate, district, and bankruptcy courts, the United States Court of Federal Claims, and the Judicial Panel on Multi-district Litigation. The fee schedule was revised to (a) make format and style changes; (b) clarify the principles underlying the exemption policy; (c) clarify that attorneys of record and parties in a case(including pro se litigants) may receive one free electronic copy of all documents filed electronically via the notice of electronic filing (or notice of docket activity); and (d) clarify that non-case specific reports are not subject to the 30-page fee cap.
Click here for Electronic Public Access Fee Schedule.